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Recommendations to Counter Discrimination and Hate Speech in Sudan

Updated: Mar 26, 2021

This new briefing paper, issued in advance of a full report, identifies that prejudice, discrimination and divisions, often exacerbated by incitement to hostility, have impacted communities in Sudan and are continuing to fuel violence.

The findings aim to contribute to constructive dialogue about measures needed to build social cohesion in Sudan.

It is based on a series of workshops led by Rights for Peace with civil society from Port Sudan, Darfur, Kassala, Al-Gadarif, South Kordofan and Blue Nile states, as well as Khartoum, to strengthen capacities to identify, monitor and collect records of incitement to violence. The summary provides a list of examples of incitement to violence and incitement to genocide identified in the research.

Recommendations are made with regard to a proposed law on hate speech as well as a law on Racial Discrimination. The need for law reform as well as Security Sector Reform and specific measures to build social cohesion and prevent escalation of violence are also discussed.

In order to ensure full impartiality, further interviews were conducted to gather records of hate speech, discrimination and prejudice. While it was not always possible to record counter allegations to reported incidents, all efforts were made to obtain accounts from the different groups and communities. Any semblance of impartiality is not intended.

The project was funded by by KAICIID International Dialogue Centre. However, the content of this paper does not necessarily reflect the views of the donor.

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