These stories question prejudiced attitudes and take a stand. Written by young South-Sudanese authors they were selected as part of an online competition to tackle prejudice, discrimination and violence.
After cancelling trips due to Covid-19, we ran a week of training on identity, counter narratives and story writing for young Sudanese online. The internet connection was precarious but about 48 young people, some joining from refugee camps, stuck with it and submitted stories as part of a competition. Here is their book of short stories that challenge prejudice, discrimination and violence.
Read more about the youth writers and their lives growing up amidst violence.
For instance Rose Awien, the winner, is just 22 years old, and says:
The fact that I grew up in a not so peaceful environment, inspired me to write the story. It's sad but sometimes our parents and relatives actually teach us to hate other people different from us, other tribes. Not directly telling us to hate them but by telling us to stay away from them or being careful when we are around them. All that inspired me to write the story. I hope that the winning story will achieve some aspect of peace. I hope South Sudanese youth will read it, have a change of mind and work towards achieving peace in our nation because it is a collective responsibility that we all may take up.
Here are some of their faces.