Rights for Peace delivers training on countering
Hate Speech, Incitement to Violence for local actors and community leaders.
Tailored training courses have been prepared for groups in South Sudan, Sudan and Cameroon.
Let us know your training needs and interests in the form below.
Example of a 3-day Training:
Day 1:
An Introduction to Hate Speech Definitions and International and Domestic Legislation
Exploring Identity, Hate speech, Incitement & Genocide
Offensive speech VS Incitement
Stages of dehumanisation
The Pyramid of Hate (Anti-Defamation League)
Interactions between free speech and hate speech
Domestic laws
Day 2:
International Treaties and Complaints Mechanisms Protecting Against Hate Speech
International Human Rights treaties
Complaints Mechanisms
Human Rights Committee
Looking closely at the ICCPR (Articles 19 and 20(2))
The “Rabbae” Case
The 6 Point Test (Rabat Plan of Action)
International Criminal Law: Incitement to Genocide
Day 3:
CLINIC: Case Studies and Analysis through a Country-Specific Lens
Day 3:
CLINIC: Case Studies and Analysis through a Country-Specific Lens
Clinic: Looking at case studies and appropriate legal frameworks
Analysis of elements
Creating a checklist for a country-specific context
Day 2:
International Treaties and Complaints Mechanisms Protecting Against
Day 1:
An Introduction to Hate Speech Definitions and International and Domestic Legislation