Preventing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
“We will come together, our voices will be heard.
We will tell the world that we have overcome it.”
- Survivor testimony, South Sudan
Acknowledgment and truth seeking are the first steps towards accountability.
Atrocity crimes have devastating long lasting effects on the societies in which they are perpetrated. When left unaddressed, these wounds can lead to further tensions and violence. The normalisation of silence around atrocity crimes is deeply damaging to both the victims of these crimes and to the communities affected by them. Ensuring accountability is a necessary step towards preventing future violations.
Survivor voices are fundamental to creating change.
Speaking up and acknowledging the history and impact of atrocity crimes on survivors allows for a wider recognition of the scale of these issues, as well as mobilising action towards meaningful change on a larger scale. Rights for Peace works to help empower survivors and create an environment for truth and justice to develop.
Read more about our work supporting justice for survivors of conflict related sexual violence here.
Awareness on survivors' rights
Ensuring survivors of atrocity crimes have greater awareness of their legal rights to reparations and justice.
Putting survivor voices first
Creating spaces and opportunities for survivors to speak to their experiences and needs, and action change.
Advocating for the rights to justice and reparations for survivors of atrocity crimes.
Supporting public consultations
Involving survivors in public consultations relating to the establishment of transitional justice measures.