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Rights for Peace joins call for HRC50 debate on human rights in Sudan

Clara Giaminardi

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 © UN Photo / Jean Marc Ferré

Following the publication of our latest report "Can we prevent the spread of renewed atrocities?" that shows how underlying racism links anti protester violence with atrocities in Darfur, Rights for Peace has joined Defend Defenders and over 50 other NGOs in signing a letter calling for continued debate and attention to the human rights situation in Sudan ahead of the 50th session of the UN Human Rights Council.

There have been continued violations of human rights in Sudan since the October 2021 coup, including the violent repression of pro-democracy protesters which has left at least 96 people dead, and renewed atrocities in the Darfur region, with over 165 people killed in recent months.

In view of the ongoing crisis and recent escalations in human rights violations, the signatories highlight that:

Ahead of the Council’s 50th session (13 June-8 July 2022), we, the undersigned non-governmental organisations, are writing to urge your delegation to support the adoption of a resolution that ensures continued attention to Sudan’s human rights situation through enhanced interactive dialogues at the Council’s 52nd and 53rd regular sessions.
While the Expert’s mandate is ongoing, a resolution is required for the Council to hold public debates and continue to formally discuss the situation. A resolution at the Council’s 50th session would operationalise resolution S-32/1, which in its operative paragraph 19 called upon “the High Commissioner and the designated Expert to monitor human rights violations and abuses and to continue to bring information thereon to the attention of the Human Rights Council, and to advise on the further steps that may be needed if the situation continues to deteriorate.”

Read the full letter here:

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