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Discrimination and Hate Speech Fuel Violence in Sudan: Report and UPR Submission

Cara Priestley

Updated: May 14, 2021

Rights for Peace and TASAMI submit a Universal Periodic Review report on Sudan, based on findings published in a new extensive report: "Discrimination and Hate Speech fuel Violence in Sudan".

Since Sudan's last Universal Periodic Review (UPR), hate-based violence has continued in Sudan in conflict areas such as West Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile. New and escalating violence is also being witnessed in eastern Sudan, in Port Sudan and Kassala. Genocidal language such as “we need to clean up the black plastic bags”, referring to black (non-Arab) ethnic minorities and “the Beni Amer are a cancer that needs to be cut off” have been recorded. Rights for Peace and the Organization of Sudanese Solidarity for Elimination of Racial Discrimination (TASAMI) have submitted a UPR report addressing developments in relation to prejudice and hate speech which are fuelling mass atrocities in Sudan. This is based on our findings laid out in an extensive report, based on a series of trainings and interviews held by Rights for Peace with activists, human rights defenders and civil society representatives from Khartoum, Port Sudan, Darfur’s five regions as well as Kassala, Gadarif, South Kordofan and Blue Nile states. You can read the full report here. You can read a summary of recommendations here. You can read the UPR submission here. The UPR is a unique mechanism of the UN Human Rights Council, through which each UN Member State makes commitments to improve its human rights record, following an assessment of progress made against previous commitments. Sudan will be reviewed at the 39th Session of the Working Group of the UPR in November 2021. This is the third time Sudan will undergo review under the UPR.

Rights for Peace and TASAMI's submission proposes concrete recommendations for the government of Sudan, in relation to:

  • Anti-Discrimination and Equality

  • Hate Speech and Freedom of Expression

  • Prevention of Mass Atrocities

We encourage States to direct similar recommendations to Sudan during the upcoming UPR, with a focus on anti-discrimination and equality, hate speech and freedom of expression, and the prevention of mass atrocities.

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