In May and June 2023 local networks of SUNSS, the National Survivors Network South Sudan, met to discuss the drafting of two Bills on transitional justice. The first on the establishment of a Commission on Truth, Reconcilaition and Healing. The second the establishment of a Compensation and Reparation Authority - all inaccordance with Chapter V of R-ARCSS, the Revitalised Peace Agreement signed in 2018.

The local-level SUNSS meetings took place in four locations in May and June 2023, and included consultations on the Compensation and Reparation Authority. The SUNSS local networks include 20 members in each location, however, the meetings brought in many more conflict-related sexual violence survivors due to interest in receiving updates about transitional justice processes. Focus Group Discussions were used to ensure effective consultation guided by a questionnaire.
Members had a lot to contribute in terms of how the authority would need to be established in order to be credible and trusted by survivors:
"Today we learned a lot in areas of Transitional Justice and CRA. I hope our views that have been collected will be reflected in the Bill”
There is some sceptism around the fair implementation of the provisions that are in the Peace Agreement relating to transitional justice. Another participant said:
"This compensation should be done to all. We the victims of these wars have lost a lot, including lives of our dear ones. We hope that the Government takes the compensation very serious and develop good laws that will govern the process”